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Cardiomyopathy cases
Apical HCM


76 y/o man with lightheadedness, palpiattions and pauses of up to 8 seconds while sleeping on initial days of MCOT placed for w/u. Referred to cardiology for evaluation. Pacemaker indicated in view of near-syncope and bradyarrhythmias. Baseline echo obtained.


Admited to hospital for pacer and limited echo with contrast done confirmed apical HCM. A CMR was ordered prior to pacer to determine if a discussion in re: ICD therapy should take place as well depending on area of scar identified. Unfortunately, vagal response after Gd and severe symptomatic bradyarrhythmia thus CMR interrupted and had to have urgent pacer. Pacer placed was Medtronic MRI safe.


Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Apical HCM


50 y/o woman, incidental finding on echo.

Initial echo without contrast questionable foreshortening vs HCM. Contrast confirms Apical HCM.

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